Wednesday, January 23, 2008

God's Gift Expert Advisor, Week 2, First Trade !

The post I wrote about the God's Gift expert advisor got a lot of attention from my readers. Unfortunately I have not been able to publish any reviews about this ea due to the lack of trades. Apparently this expert advisor is a really infrequent trader, trading only every two or three weeks.

Today, after two weeks of forward testing, the ea finally decided to perform a trade on the GBP/USD. The expert advisor executed a buy order which resulted in a 98 dollar profit, which is about 1% of our balance. I like infrequent traders better than frequent ones, this because I always get the feeling that they aim for higher probability trades (but this is just a feeling it might or might not be the case).

It seems that due to the nature of this expert advisor, it makes no sense to review it every week, therefore I will do it every month so that we can accumulate a fair amount of trades before each post. I decided to host the trading statement here, if you which to see it. You can also see a chart displaying the indicators the ea uses as well as the only trade that has been made.

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